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Updated: May 27, 2020

Detachment is the manifestation of our Higher Self, our Pure Consciousness, a deep breath of peace and patience. When we experience our feelings without allowing them to control us. We step back and look at things objectively. We step away from our emotional body. We let go of and accept everything we can’t change.

We can listen without losing ourselves. It is not being inattentive, it is not a state of ‘carelessness’. First, we detach ourselves from others' emotional state, it is their choice and we let others take responsibility for their actions without trying to save or punish them.

Detachment allows us to spiritually grow, because we have a chance to see our mistakes, our lessons, our challenges with profound honesty and by making amends, transforming them, letting them go, we can start a new chapter. It allows us to be in the world but not of it.

Illusion of Detachment

Detachment can often be confused with that state of mind when we shut off the flow of our hearts and experience the world through the huge walls built around our souls. When we convince ourselves that we are well, ignoring the fears, pains, traumas that cling to our souls, which over time define us and become natural for us.

In such cases, the 'detachment', the state of seeming neutrality is caused by our separation from the real self, our closure towards the world and the active presence of the so-called 'surviving mechanism'. At such times, our true selves, our soul~radiance, can only seep through the possible gaps in our walls. Our souls are drowning, crying for air, for life.

Let's pay attention to our own signs, to our souls' cry for help, let's not allow ourselves to live in lies, dare to boldly smash our soul-suffocating walls so that we can shine and truly experience through the openness of our hearts and our active Presence the magical state of Detachment.

It is important to pay attention to this on our spiritual, soul-self-developing journey, and it is worth taking some time to clarify it.

With Blessing & Love:

~Lilla Szabo~

Intuitive Therapist

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