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Terra Tachyon

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Terra Tachyon
   Terra Tachyon  

...for Your Daily Routine

Our Tachyon products offer a kind of energy which helps you to better and more effortlessly create your daily routine, to recognize your goals more clearly, and to become more content.

The Tachyon energy, which is not visible to most of us, surrounds all products as a ”field of energy”. As you use this Tachyon energy, your body and everything else that belongs to you receives as much energy as needed at the moment, not more. Therefore, forms of overexertion do not take place which would be disturbing and tiring.

In general we can say that Tachyon energy has a balancing, regenerating and supporting effect. So Tachyons can not only be used for physical applications but also for working on emotional and spiritual issues.

Whatever you personally would like to change or support, understand or create, Tachyon energy is at your service for that. The more frequently you wear a pendant or use other Terra Tachyon products, the quicker and more effortless results may be achieved.

             … for Your Development of Consciousness and Your Spiritual Growth


We welcome you to the experience of Tachyon energy! This energy travels through universes and is able to make new worlds accessible to you: your own world; the world of our fellow human beings; and the world of spiritual guides. Tachyons are also an energy that have a kind of consciousness which can be recognized, understood, and even one you can ask for help.

All humans long to be very close to their souls and to express and to live their full potential in this world. During these times our soul-structures often need support of a special kind in order to solve energetic ”knots”, to allow spiritual changes, and to help answer personal questions about our spiritual paths.

So we introduce to you our Tachyon products not only under aspects of physical applications but also from the perspective of spiritual growth. Terra Tachyon products can serve as companions on your personal path, and also into the reality of this day-to-day world.

An appeal to self responsibility!

Terra Tachyon products are not ‘classical medicinal’ products. They do not ”remove” things from people as a painkiller appears to do.

Terra Tachyon products are not a substitute for a visit to the doctor or healer. The Terra Tachyon products help in the sense that they offer support. Each person is responsible for his or her own life and decisions.

  Forms and their meanings  
Alchemist Arrow

Supports clarity, becoming still and focused to do whatever you want to do. Hanging it in a room, a window or into the car supports your awareness what is going on. Used on the body or pointing and moving it above the body has the same effect: to trigger your awareness.

Alchemist Arrow

A cone which represents that somebody is at home. You are at home living in your body, making yourself comfortable in the body structure in/of it's various levels. Holding the tip towards the body stimulates very small areas very intensly – good for different kinds of therapies. (In the little opening you can fill essences or remedies).

DNA Activator

Reinforcement of our intents/decisions

Keeping our goals in focus

Clear picture of our Soul’s original plan

Activating all layers of the DNA

Reprogramming of the DNA

Activating the knowledge and skills acquired throughout our previous or parallel lives

(sphere) to be used with a group or family.

DNA Activator

You are a soul, an energetic being who is residing in a home which is called the body. To take care of the body is one major job each of you is doing during the day – consciously or unconsciously. All the sizes of the Donuts support you doing that.


This Donut is the most intensive one. Good to directly place on spots of the body which you wish to support or take care of. If you  place the little spiral towards the body you create an even intensified effect.

This size of Donut is for people who like it the easy way. Care about the body but without a focus on it. This Donut is a pendant for the entire day – soft and supporting. Because of it's softness ideal for children.

This Donut could be used for conscious work with the body. Ideal to place on certain spots while meditating, during a message or relaxing after sports. The effect intensifies with the spiral towards the body.


Chakra colours are rainbow colours. Maybe humans love rainbows because they are a symbolic reflection of the ideal state of the Chakras. Recommendation: use two to three Donuts and place them between the Chakras you’d like to balance. The subtle movement and rhythm of the Chakras will tune into the Tachyon energy right away.

Chakra set

Electrical storms in the sky as well as in the brain are natural and well known. Artificial electricity which is generated for modern machines and life in general is different from biological electricity. Electromagnetic fields around engines, cables and devices can interfere with the human body and it’s energetic system and may cause exhaustion.

The Electrixx was designed to enhance the quality of artificial electricity in your home or office by placing it on the fuse box or on the circuit breakers.


Sound is one of the essences of humans (sound is one of the essential things for humans). Everywhere on earth you’ll find rhythm and sound, singing and enjoying to play instruments. The Harmonixx is able to enhance the row of overtones in music and to make them accessible for the body. Music therapy has a long tradition and supports regeneration on various levels. You can use the Harmonixx on loudspeakers as well as on musical instruments.


Water is everywhere – in the sky, in lakes, rivers and oceans, in the human body and in the earth. And it comes out of the tap. Most of the tap water has no energetic quality – it is just the formula of water. The Hydrolixx refreshes and regenerates water energetically. The best way is to fix it on the main pipe to provide you everywhere you have and need water in your home with energized water.

Special: the Hydrolixx can be worn at the body to energize and cleanse your body liquids.


We are always one and never really separated.

The perception exists in many of us today that we are alone, separated and the misperception comes a great sense of loneliness, despair, frustration, anger...

The Terra Tachyon Heart is dedicated to the awakening of our integrity and perception of oneness.

Kryon Sphere

The Tequence system manufactured by Terra Tachyon is composed of glass, silk, wood, metal, stainless steel, plastic and liquids that are energized through a complex “tequencing” process that permanently alters the physical and energetic structure of these materials. This “tequencing” process enables the materials to resonate with the tachyon energy and then become imbued into each material. The materials then retain this special property throughout their lives. 


Tachyon Energy is coming from the 9th to 11th dimension, now available on the Earth. This energy has a balancing, structuring, activating and catalyzing effect. 

It is a very subtle and pure energy vibrating at a frequency very close to the frequency of pure consciousness. When the limited Human mind starts to be in resonance with the Tachyon field, it starts to clean itself, and to become aware of limits. This allows for changes in life that have not been that obvious before.


The Kryon Tachyon Sphere has been Tachyonized to help us remember that Kryon has asked us to meld with Spirit and remember who we are. The effect of the sphere is one of enhancing connection, smoothing emotions, and empowering the energy of God in our lives. 


This beautiful crystalline sphere helps us to connect personally with the energy of Kryon, an energy of Love and Compassion for deep inner transformation.


It can be used daily in meditation, holding it in the hands or sitting in front of it.

Kryon Sphere
Philosopher's Stone

Alchemical symbols represent and hold part of the power of the alchemists procedures and substances. The Philosopher's Stone is for contemplating your body wisdom, the inherent force which gives life to your body, and to support and honor it.

A daily meditation of 20 minutes is recommended while placing your hands near the cube. As an object of art (with lighted base) it is an inspiring energetic object to just look at and relax.

Phylosopers Stone
Portal of Elements

Our Terra Tachyon Portal, the is a hand-crafted temple-like space made of solid oak and equipped with special glass pyramids. The portal merges tachyon energy with the properties of the four elements (Earth, Fire, Air, Water) and gold (solar energy), silver (lunar energy), the tree of life (as a symbol of humankind’s spiritual path) and the fourth dimension, i.e. the power of time that plays a central role in the creation of all matter. The Portal balances and harmonizes all of the powers that are found in the entire human organism.

Portal of Elements

Pyramids are an old shape and symbol of humanity. In a way they remind us that earth is a place in heaven.


With the small clear ones you could easily create neutral vortexes in rooms.


They reflect our connection and maybe addiction to certain cultures and regions of the earth. Sometimes you feel attracted to a culture/region – meditating with a large Pyramid could help you to find out more. (Each colour is linked to a special culture/region).

Cosmic Pyramid

This type of pyramid is good for conscious use. Through it's shape it reminds you not to get stuck in life but to allow yourself to be flexible and creative. This is a good tool to support change – with meditation or placing your own data under the pyramid. Nice and neutral for rooms in refreshing the atmosphere.

Cosmic Pyramid
EMF Pyramid

This is the Cosmic Pyramid with the logo of the EMF Balancing Technique inside. Days after an EMF session you can meditate while holding this pyramid and become aware of your electromagnetic field with all of its possibilities again.

EMF Pyramid

The silk, no matter what size, helps to comfort and to protect you. Silk in general has e very long tradition in making clothes. This natural material doesn’t disturb the electromagnetic field of the body like many of the synthetic fabrics. It supports your ability to stay centered and calm. Very good to create a good sleep and nice dreams during times of traveling.

The silk cord is loved by children of all ages and is very soft in its effect.


They represent something very familiar: the earth. Sometimes you don’t like to be on earth – because of bad experiences, traumas or situations  which seem to overwhelm you. Holding one Sphere between your hands or one in each hand supports you in releasing traumas, bad experiences and to find back to a better life on earth. The small one is a little bit more intense then the large. They also support grounding and focused awareness.

Stargate Sphere

It can be easily sustained and maintained in your field to get the maximum benefit. It is both a receiver and a transmitter. As you may know, the stargate is very powerful by itself. It is even more powerful because the main work of tachyon energy is to enhance and strengthen.

It has the property to put things in order, to activate the power to heal, to balance and to harmonise the energies, to increase the frequency of the physical and energetic bodies and to clean and protect the aura from negative energies.

Stargate Sphere

Planets, stars, stellar objects and galaxies symbolize different qualities of energies as you can find in ancient myths of the world. The Starrings could remind you that you are a real cosmic being who lives here on earth at the moment. Worn as a pendant during the day the Starring can provide you with deep insights about the origins of your perception, behaviour and conditioning.


Each day of the week is supported by a special star quality – you Are reflecting some qualities - explore yourself!


The black Starring as feminine power and the white as masculine lead you to more awareness and balance of your inner female and male aspects.

Recommendation: for balance hold one Starring in each hand (women: the black in the right hand / men: the black in the left hand).

Cosmic set
Yin-Yang set

You have a kind of wand in your body: the spine. The condition and position of the spine are essential for the whole body and as a side effect also for your personal evolution, because the Chakras are connected to the spine at the front and on your back. Holding the Starwand vertically between your hands supports the straightening of the spine. Holding it horizontal supports to synchronise the left and right hemispheres of the brain. Its special function is to clean the energetic bodies around you while moving it around the body in a certain distance.


This pendant represents the connection between your body and the galactic forces and systems. 

It balances your whole system as every Tachyon object does. But furthermore it supports your individual ability to create and observe the process of creation in a more conscious way. So it is not only a StarSun but a „creative sun“.


It is composed of four faces that are equilateral triangles (Plato‘s 1st solid, the simplest volume in creation).

The tetrahedron is a three-dimensional symbol of balance and stability because each side is flat, no matter how it is rotated. It represents the element fire and symbolises light and heat. It is also related to physical movements and actions. It allows a perfect alignment between earth and the sky. It radiates energy and unleashes the energetic nodes.

Our 12 cm high Tetrachyon acts as an antenna for tachyon particles.

Associated with the waveform created by this particular geometry, it amplifies vital energy and facilitates an Earth/Sky link.

It generates a powerful transmutation of physical, emotional, or mental patterns therefore, it is necessary to have a pure intention and be anchored.

It can be compared to the energy of the Phoenix (reborn from the ashes).

Recommended to use it with the help of a therapist.

Tree of Life
Planetary set
Transformation set

This very old symbol out of the Kabbalah was designed in a 3-D-shape. Humanity loves trees of all kinds. You may even think of the tree-like shapes in your brain which are called Neurons. Trees of Life in general have to do with the probability of your personal creation and finding your spiritual path.


Each planet of the solar system is associated with a certain quality and colour. This set combines the shape and it’s meaning with these planetary reflections – one Tree of Life for each day.


The black Tree of Life represents and supports deep insight and transformation. The white one action. In this set they support and initiate personal transformation on deep levels.

Recommendation: wear one each day and then change it with the other one.

Tree of Life
 UCL Sphere
(Tachyon & Anyons)


The Universal Calibration Lattice® is your toroid of
evolutionary consciousness.
It is your energetic circulatory system supporting your embodiment of the frequencies of Infinite Love and Wisdom.
Awareness of this energy system increases your ability to know and express more of the universal being you are.
You are integrating your intuition and intellect. New knowledge and new ways of being and doing are within you, ready to be discovered and expressed... in your unique way in your daily life.


These particles have always been active in the energy work of Peggy Phoenix Dubro through the Symbol and the Lattice.
The Anyons sequential process of braiding is evident in all her work.
As an evolutionary pioneer and visionary, she implemented these energy dynamics presented to her without the knowledge of the Anyons. We are building a reality of honouring ourselves and our family of humanity as we live unique and united.
The Tachyon energy enhances all the calibration work provided by the Anyons, taking place in your Universal Calibration Lattice®.
Enjoy these multidimensional empowering frequencies generated by this beautiful sphere as they inspire you to remember more of who you are and as you evolve according to your inner wisdom.

UCL Sphere

Visible light is a small part of a wide spectrum of frequencies. What we call colours are parts of visible light. Actually the colour you can see (the red apple f.e.) is a reflection. The molecules of the apple absorb all frequencies, only what we call „red“ is reflected. A white object reflect all frequencies/ all colours and appears as white. A black object absorbs all frequencies/colours, reflects none and appears as black.


Colour of earthly and bodily power (1. Chakra)

Beginning, Fire and Courage, Impulse, Life dispenser, Physical, Will power

Colour of creative awareness, sexual expression and joy (2. Chakra)

Colour of moods and unclear emotions, associated with the Solar Plexus (3. Chakra)

Fortitude, Innovation, Originality, Self Fortitude.

Colour of emotional awareness, kindness and a balanced heart. Also good for relaxation on different levels (4. Chakra)

Commitment, Loyalty, Cooperation

Colour of easy self-expression and self-recognition. Associated with balance of the neck and shoulder area (5. Chakra)

Serenity, Calm, Peacefulness

Colour for inner peace, freedom and awareness. Associated with an increased activity of the brain in order to balance it  (6. Chakra)

Expression, Fluent communication, Honesty, Truth

Colour of consciousness and the path to be aware of consciousness everywhere (7. Chakra)

Consciousness, Evolution, Wisdom

Colour of abundance which shows up in possibilities of various situations and levels. Shining.

Colour of heaven on earth or the divine daily life. Associated with commingle soul, mind and matter.

Dedication, Tenderness, Kindness, Softness.

Colour of curious awareness and expanded communication in a global way. Associated with mingling heart and brain qualities.

Resilience, Capacity to overcome tragedies

Colour for diving into the invisible to perceive it’s essence and make it visible. Associated with the beginning of creative processes.

Colour for new opportunities, possibilities, probabilities and discoveries. Associated with joyfull change of various levels.

Focus, Equilibrium, Coordination, Structure

Colour for the subconscious power in everyone – to be recognized and directed well in order to evolve as a multi-dimensional being (only with the Starrings)

Colour for cleaning, clearing and releasing shadows and chronical problems. Associated with the purity of diamonds and therefore with the purity of the self.

Reunification of mankind, Wholeness, Fulfilment

Colour of the power to act, to react and to response in a self-responsible way. Associated with the conscious process of being the observer.

Healing, Mending, Restoration.

Colour of conscious transformation and creation. Associated with the fulfilled emptiness all matter was born of/from.

Refocusing, Silence, Solitude, Insight.

Light Blue
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